Blogs » Entertainment » This Item Set is the best Item Set available for the Monk Class

This Item Set is the best Item Set available for the Monk Class

  • This Item Set is great for making groups of Diablo IV Gold Trash Mobs and has nice connection with Wizard's Solo Farming Build, thanks to the added speed for movement. In other words it's pretty poor. It's only damage bonuses when they're not taking any damage, which is why all Melee Classes are excluded from the use of this Item Set since they're likely to be struck frequently. However, the one Ranged Class that could make use of this Item Set is the Wizard due to how Movement Speed works with their Lightning Abilities. It's a great stat to have in every class, but in most cases, it's not worth the more damage.

    This Item Set is the best Item Set available for the Monk Class. It's not great for all other Classes, but it'sn't horrible as well. The added speed of movement from killing enemiesand the bonus damage, allows the Monk to swiftly traverse Trash Mobs or even ADS (Additional Enemies that appear from Bosses) while maintaining their fight tempo in order to consistently deal out massive quantities of damage. The final benefit the set can provide is that when you kill an enemy, there is a chance an orb will circle around the player, and it will cause further damage when the orb moves through the enemy. This effect is great for the Monk because they're the one class that continuously moves through enemies while fighting them, allowing this effect to continue to work.

    The Item Set may seem like it's the least effective ones for most players since it's focused more on Supporting players by extending the duration of Buffs. But it's true that the Item Set can be game-changing on an Crusader just because of the 2 set piece bonus. The extended duration of this Crusader's Banner will increase Dungeon and Raid Parties' damage output more than any other skill or ability in the game can. It also indirectly shortens the cooldown time of the Banner as the duration will last longer and the cooldown timer will start once it's activated, by at the point that the cheap Diablo 4 Gold Banner is done and the player has only for a couple of seconds before throwing yet another.