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Kimberly Kwon - Resilient Leader Solutions

  • Welcome to the table. Please take a seat. We will be enjoying a series of conversations together at this table to create a customized menu of appetizers, entrees and desserts and a roadmap for your journey for success. Using my signature model for our coaching conversations, we partner together to work through a proven process to explore and meet your professional, team or business goals.

    Life Coaching Los Angeles:

    1. Contract – This is our shared agreement, our contract and our promise to each other. Everything we share is confidential, a circle of trust, and a sacred space where we are on equal footing and there are no right or wrong answers. Our contract includes promises to ourselves, our community, our team and our organization.


    1. Define and Discover – This is when we are defining our goals and vision, conduct individual or team profile assessments, evaluate and identify our strengths, resources, gaps, blind spots and areas for improvement. We work together to align them to your vision and values, your why and purpose. What story are we telling ourselves and what is our happily ever after?


    1. Explore What is Possible – This is where we shift from “either-or” thinking to allow for the “both-and” and explore what is possible. This is a great place to give ourselves permission to have no right or wrong answers. This is where our imagination and curiosity meets to ask questions and discover “I’m Possible” solutions as individuals or teams. What would we do if we knew we could not fail?


    1. Plan and Execute – This is where we take our insights and creative energy into action with a timeline of practical steps and measurable actions. We decide what areas we want to improve, change, let go of, test first, second, third, etc. It gives us a picture of what success looks and feels like with our goals and milestones. We take accountability and include how we will hold ourselves accountable. We measure our progress over perfection to discover what is and isn’t working, and where we can listen, collaborate, gather feedback and make adjustments. How will we know it is working?


    1. Cultivate and Grow – This is a continuous process of learning and development that occurs throughout our coaching conversations, at our checkpoints and as we get feedback. It is a time to work through the conflict, and gain clarity on what we want and don’t want. It is a time to pause and look to see where we are stretching, learning and growing. It is an opportunity to explore where we can be more flexible and resilient, how we transform our failures to fertilizer, where we can still experiment, and what has surprised us. How are we becoming the best version of ourselves? 


    Get in touch Now : Executive Coaching Los Angeles