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An Examination of the Oil Platforms of the Following Generation

  • After the physically demanding simulation, Joe suggests that I take a look at some new technologies that are currently being tested while I catch my breath and suggests that I take a look at some new technologies that are currently being tested while I catch my breath. He brings me to a new location that has several buildings in the shape of domes, and he takes me inside one of the buildings to show me what's inside.

    Joe explains that you are in the middle of a virtual reality experience in which you are exploring caves. 

    The fact that each dome is mounted on a motion base gives the overall experience an additional layer of realism. In addition to this, each dome provides complete immersion in all 360 degrees around the circumference of the room. Just a moment ago, I was standing here when all of a sudden, I found myself on the deck of a massive floating production, storage, and offloading vessel (FPSO) in the middle of the ocean. During the time that engineers are performing maintenance on the drill, tower cranes are used to lift and position a variety of the drill's components in their proper places. This rig is responsible for the extraction of oil and gas animation from a variety of wells that are located in environments that are characterized by the presence of water. I would ask that you please give me permission to demonstrate some of the updated and newly developed features that we are currently working on developing.

    After that, we take our seats in a simulated helicopter and get ready to take off. When the helicopter lifts off from the helipad that is situated on the FPSO, the motion base immediately begins to tilt and sway in perfect synchrony with the helicopter. The digital model of the ocean that can be seen below reaches all the way to the horizon and features a high level of realism thanks to the meticulous attention to detail that was given to it. I put haptic feedback gloves to the test by attempting to take control of a robotic arm, and the sensation is eerily similar to what I would expect to feel in the real world.

    The climactic portion of our journey takes place in yet another virtual reality cavern; oil and gas animation depicts the environments that can be found very deep within the ocean. Joe is giving me a tour of the underwater landscape while I am putting on my breathing equipment. During the tour, he is pointing out extensive pipeline networks and wellheads. There are schools of photorealistic fish swimming by as I conduct my inspections of the structures using my virtual inspection drones.

    I was taken aback by how completely engrossed I had become in the experience when it came time for me to exit the simulator. 

    I explain to Joe that the implementation of this technology will lead to the implementation of significant alterations in the manner in which offshore training is carried out.

    Because they transmit haptic sensations to the user's hands and fingers, haptic feedback gloves are able to make virtual reality simulations feel more realistic and increase the user's level of participation in the experience. This gives the user the impression that they are actively taking part in the experience rather than simply observing it. Actuators are any mechanical devices, like motors or vibrators, that are able to apply localized forces to their respective targets. Examples of actuators include vibrators and motors. The data that is obtained from the hand tracking system in real time is used by the virtual reality simulation in order to make the experience as realistic as possible.

    Actuators in the glove are activated whenever the user is in a position to experience a sensation of touch, such as when they are holding a tool or making contact with a surface. This allows the user to feel the sensation of touch that would normally be provided by the virtual environment. It is possible to accomplish this in order to create the illusion that the user is in possession of the virtual object.

    For instance, if a user were to pick up a wrench while they were inside VR, the gloves would close around the object, giving them the ability to feel the weight and shape of the wrench. This would allow the user to fully immerse themselves in the virtual reality experience.

    Visuals alone do not provide the same level of immersion and realism as those that include haptic feedback because the brain is tricked into thinking that the virtual interactions are real. This prevents the brain from experiencing the same level of immersion and realism. Because of this, the brain is unable to experience the same level of immersion and realism. This is because the gloves, in addition to allowing for touch input, also allow for gestural input.


    Innovative haptics are continuously working to improve the localized feedback that is provided to various parts of the hand in order to generate a virtual sensation that is even more lifelike.


    • Gloves with haptic feedback contain sensors and actuators that enable the user to interact with and receive sensations from a virtual environment

    • This type of feedback is also known as "vibration feedback

    • "This specific kind of feedback is also known as "touch feedback" in some circles

    The Sensing Devices Are As Follows:
    There is a wide variety of motion tracking sensors available on the market today. Some examples of these sensors are optical trackers and inertial measurement units. These sensors are capable of tracing the precise location and movement of each individual finger, knuckle, wrist, and hand.

    The degree to which the user has bent their fingers can be determined by flex sensors that are sewn into the fabric of the glove.

    The following are examples of actuators:
    Within the material of the glove, miniature tactile actuators are placed all the way across the back of the hand and along the fingers. This allows the wearer to feel vibrations and other sensations.

    Common examples of actuators include electric brakes, pneumatic pockets, eccentric rotating mass motors, and small motors that move individual fingers. Electric brakes and pneumatic pockets are also common types of actuators. Friction is produced by electric brakes, pressure is applied by pneumatic pockets, vibration is generated by eccentric rotating mass motors, and small motors are responsible for moving individual fingers.

    The following is the response to that question:
    When a user performs an action in the virtual world that has the potential to cause a sensation in the real world, the virtual reality system will activate the appropriate actuators and send the user the appropriate signals. The glove would be capable of simulating all of these different sensations. The application of technology that enables virtual reality can be used to achieve this goal.