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What do moms who carry guns need to be aware of?

  • Carrying a firearm can provide moms with an extra sense of security, but it’s important to do so responsibly. There are many unique factors that come into play when it comes to concealed carry for women, and gun carrying moms have even more to consider.

    1. Receive proper training: Before carrying a firearm, moms should take a comprehensive firearms training course to understand safety, operation, and legal requirements.
    2. Choose the right gun: Moms should think about how they plan to use their gun. Will you use it for home defense, concealed carry, or both? If you’re using it for concealed carry, you’ll probably want to opt for a smaller, lighter, more concealed weapon. If it’s just for home defense, feel free to look for a bigger gun that’s easy to grab in dim light.
    3. Invest in a quality holster: A good holster is essential for safe gun storage and quick access to your gun. Look for a tool that fits securely and is easy to pull and put back into the holster.
    4. Regular practice: Regular practice at the shooting range can help moms maintain proficiency and confidence in using a firearm.
    5. Keep your firearms safe at home: It is important to store your firearms safely at home to prevent accidental access to firearms by children or unauthorized individuals.
    6. Comply with local laws and regulations: Mothers should familiarize themselves with local laws and regulations on carrying firearms to ensure compliance.
    7. Be Concealed: Choosing a concealed carry location is all about comfort, concealment, and easy access when you’re on your own. But when you’re a parent, you now have to think about your little ones when deciding where to strap your holsters. If you have young children, you may find yourself holding them all day. This obviously creates a problem if you carry it in a way your child will get access to your weapon.

    It’s also important to consider whether the location you choose allows you to draw while you’re fighting with your child. How would you draw a weapon in a defensive encounter if you put your child on the same hip as your gun? On the other hand, if you put the weapon on the other hip, do you know how to draw the gun with your non-dominant hand?

    1. Develop situational awareness: Moms should always be alert and aware of their surroundings, assess potential threats and plan escape routes.

    When it comes to concealed carry for women, there are many unique factors to consider. Finding a comfortable carrying setup and clothing that actually conceals your gun can be a real challenge. Gun-carrying moms need to think a little more, as they often keep their curious little ones in their carry bags. We hope the above tips for concealed carry for moms have given you some ideas on how you can improve your carry methods when you have kids to think about.