How do I install and use the hidden car tracking device

    • 6 posts
    October 14, 2024 8:33 AM BST

    The hidden car tracking device purchased cannot be used immediately. It can only be used normally after the correct device is activated. The hidden car tracking device can be installed according to the following procedure before use.

    1. Distinguish the lines of hidden car tracking devices

    Check whether the required positioning terminal accessories and cable connections are complete.

    There are only 3 lines in the simple GPS locator, so first find out the lines in the following bold font in the car.

    GPS locator red line → car power supply positive

    GPS locator black line → car power negative

    GPS locator white line → Car ACC/ key line (check engine switch status, must be connected)

    2. Install a SIM card for the hidden car tracking device

    Many friends do not understand why the GPS positioning system to install a mobile phone card, in fact, the SIM card in the GPS positioning system has an important role, in short, is the GPS locator as the collection terminal latitude and longitude data, after the collection of latitude and longitude data, through the GSM network of the SIM card in the form of GPRS to transmit the positioning data to the designated background, Finally, the positioning monitoring system is constructed.

    Note: Please ensure that the GPS positioning terminal is not plugged into the SIM card, otherwise it will simply burn the card.

    After the SIM device is ready, please turn the standby power switch (on the side) and acknowledge that the SIM is strong and will not loose.

    3. Connect the hidden car tracking device cable

    Once you've loaded the card, go back to step one. The line sequence of various colors of the device is connected well to ensure that the joint is not loose and does not enter water. Please use the standard car circuit wiring method to connect the wiring process, must not be perfunctory. Wiring handling is not good, on the one hand, it simply makes the GPS locator power off and unable to work, but also has certain safety hazards of short circuit fire.

    The wire end should be protected with a heat shrink tube to ensure that it is not easy to fall off and does not enter water. Then use waterproof electric tape to bind together with the original car line.

    4. The hidden car tracking device terminal is fixed

    GPS locator compact size, simple shading device. The common fixed position is to remove the front gate of the main driver/passenger car, and it can also be installed in its internal space, under the seat, in the trunk and so on. On the one hand, to ensure that the GPS antenna can normally accept the satellite signal, but also to ensure that the vehicle is not simply flooded when washing the car, resulting in the terminal burning.


    a, the GPS antenna signal is simply shielded by concrete and metal substances, and plastic, human body, fabric, and so on have no effect. Therefore, when fixed, please ensure that there is no metal substance above the signal reception surface, and ensure that the reception surface can be upward towards the sky. After the Velcro or plastic tie fixed flat, so that it will not fall off in long-term use.

    b, when the GPS locator is fixed, there is no positive or negative up and down, and the terminal can be fixed tightly through Velcro and cable tie, to ensure that it will not fall in long-term vehicle fluctuations, cold and hot alternations and other environments, and there will be no abnormal sound.

    5. Activate the hidden car tracking device

    After all the above processes are completed, the vehicle will be restored. Then the license plate number, terminal ID, SIM card number and other information to the customer service staff to activate, so in the computer and mobile phone, wechat can be located on the vehicle. Since then the GPS locator device has been completed.

    hidden car tracking device